Peace cannot be kept by force
it can only be achieved by understanding

– Albert Einstein

Welcome to the website of the Woodbridge Trees for Peace.

Two trees in Woodbridge Suffolk have been granted that special title.
They are living symbols of peace that anyone can visit, touch and admire.
Their mission is to open pathways for learning about peace.



Imagine, a more serene World . . .

. . of nations and communities where citizens and leaders alike . .

. .  are mindful of  peace, both theirs and that of their neighbours

. . each understand what makes their shared peace resilient

. . and all cooperate well to keep peace secure, everywhere


With that vision in mind it was suggested to and agreed by the Town Council in Woodbridge, Suffolk UK, that the town should have a new and accessible symbol, as a familiar and tangible public face for the invisible condition we call peace, and as a starting point for learning about peace. 

A fine mature tree on the Council’s Kingston Playing Field was agreed to be the symbol and named as the Woodbridge Tree for Peace 2017.  In 2021 a second tree was agreed on the town’s Fen Meadow and both were formally dedicated to peace in a civic ceremony attended by scores of representatives from across the town community. The two Trees are symbols of peace that transcend cultural, ethnic, political and religious divisions.

As their Founder I trust that, like other symbols, those trees  will stimulate curiosity and will come to remind us of the many special qualities  we each have for keeping peace secure.


As we are regularly reminded in world news, peace is fragile.

Also, a breakdown in peace can be so bad, and its violence can affect so many – indirectly even if not directly, that keeping peace in good form warrants close and effective attention.

Major international organisations such as the United Nations Organisation have operated for decades with a view to achieving that.

It sems though that to secure peace better, for everyone’s benefit, something else is needed as well.

As some one said (and it’s been so much repeated that no-one is quite sure who said it first) . . .

“If you go on doing everything the same way, you’ll go on getting more of the same thing.”


What is needed is something different, so that more of us know peace better, can see sooner when it might break, and can save or fix it faster.


What’s is outlined above is detailed throughout this website, with explanation, information and invitations for visitors:

  • the qualities and capacities that we each have for keeping peace secure
  • how the original symbols have become the cornerstones of a much larger Woodbridge Monument for Peace
  • that monument’s special character as a Modern Monument
  • rewarding and realistic aims for personal peace actions for peace
  • a menu of activities
  • etc




It seems though that The treess are in public open spaces connected by some 2 miles of attractive and stimulating footpath walks. Together, the trees and walks form a large, engaging and informative monument for peace.

The trees invite us to look up to higher things. They can lead each of us to many places and moments of calm, of beauty, of insight and of inspiration. And in those ways the monument is both a well-being amenity and an affirmation of our community’s commitment to peace. .

More, a guide to the walks lays a foundation for learning more about peace. It draws attention to the fundamental building blocks of peace that we each carry in our hands, hearts and minds. This website goes further by outlining an annual programme of peace-related commemorations, observances and celebrations, and by suggesting educational activities. It lists key ideas that have over the last 100 years tranformed our understanding of peace. And it signposts peace education resources for any who wish to dig deeper and play a yet greater part in making our lives and that of the world more consistently peaceful.

With our monument, and together, we’ll build peace.   

                                                                         Yes we can.   

                                                                                        And here is how . . . . .






..ceremony or agreed It was own’s t was agreed that   to symbol of peace forever accessible a there should be in the town an accessible  monument forever dedicated to , nent in t was agreed in Woodbridge, Suffolk, that there should be an accessible town monument to give peace a familiar and tangible public face. For that a fine mature tree on the town’s Kingston Field was selected and labelled in 2017. In 2021 a second tree was agreed and both were formally dedicated in a ceremony attended by representatives from across the town community. The trees are in public open spaces connected by stimulating walks on up to 2 miles of attractive footpaths. They are symbols of peace that transcend cultural, ethnic and political divides

More, together the trees and the walks constitute a large monument for peace.  The Trees can lead each of us to many moments and places of beauty, calm, insight and inspiration.

The monument affirms our community’s steadfast commitment to peace.

A walking guide explains some everyday ways of building peace. This website goes further by outlining a programme of peace-related activities or observances and by signposting peace education resources for all who wish to play a greater part in making our lives and that of the world more consistently peaceful. (189 words)















The Woodbridge Trees for Peace and the Monument for Peace they now provide in Suffolk arose from the centenary commemorations of World War 1.

Woodbridge Town Council agreed in 2017 to a proposal, inspired by the Quaker peace testimony, to establish a prominent symbol of peace in one of the town’s popular public spaces.

The agreed symbol was and is an imposing mature tree named as the Woodbridge Tree for Peace 2017.


The condition that we call peace is invaluable but also fragile and invisible. As a symbol the tree provides peace with a prominent, tangible, sturdy and familiar public face. 

In establishing the Monument the Founder’s trust is that it affirms the community’s steadfast commitment to peace and that it will promote deeper thinking, knowledge and understanding of peace and of what we, each of us, can do to make peace stronger.

In those ways the Monument’s work has started. Local interest led in 2021 to the naming of a second Woodbridge Tree for Peace.  The two trees are connected by an informative walking trail around the monument’s two mile perimeter. A formal ceremony of dedication was attended and enriched by representatives of all ages from dozens of local organisations, including schools and diverse faith traditions.

The turbulence of 2022 reminds us that we need to know and understand more than ever how peace can be made stronger.


This website is a further stage in the construction of the Monument. These pages contain more details of the monument and its location. As the website grows it will suggest activities and convey ideas and insights from twentieth century peace research and education.

A programme of activities and events will invite activities to promote understanding and skills for peace. The walking trail will draw attention to simple ideas that lie at the heart of peace. Other sections of this website will provide further food for thought, practical activities and sources of information.

The Founder’s trust is that here and in visiting other parts of the monument visitors will find some of the following:

– personal peace and valuable information

– simple ways of learning more about peace

– practical ways of sharing concerns about the security of peace in our world, and

– constructive ways of being and of working together to make peace stronger.



The Vision


Imagine, a more serene World . . .

. . of nations and communities where citizens and leaders alike . .

        . .  are mindful of  peace, both theirs and that of their neighbours,

                . . each understand what makes their shared peace resilient

                        . . and all cooperate well to keep peace secure, everywhere

Woodbridge Trees for Peace stand as prominent, physical, tangible and lasting symbols

affirming the Woodbridge community’s commitment to peace.


As symbols of peace the trees transcend cultural, ethnic and political divides.

They can lead all of us to many places of beauty, calm and inspiration.


The trees form a monument that is a memorial for the future.


Find more below, and yet more on other pages of this site, or later by visiting one or both of the trees.

Like all journeys, a journey for peace begins from where we find ourselves; it starts best by knowing our own peace.


For ideas and information, start by exploring this site. 


Start your journey into peace by . . .  putting into your diary a date for exploration or action from among those below.


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